Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Special Website

Today I'd like you to write about a special website you like to visit. It doesn't have to be your favourite or the one you visit most but one that you go back to visit every now and then. In my case I'm going to write about AsianCinematic, a web site I found in 2010 when I was doing a course on "Experimental Cinema". During the course, we discussed a cult Japanese movie called Tetsuo about a man who starts turning into an "iron man" ( We watched a short clip of the film and it inspired me to investigate the genre. Anyway, whilst investigating I came across AsianCinematic and started to explore by cross-referencing the films with Internet Movie Database (IMDB). I've seen quite a lot of Asian films because I've always been interested in Asian culture but this webpage gives you access to so many films that it's a little overwhelming. I searched through a couple of specific genres and found films that you would never see on the mainstream TV or in local cinemas. My favourite finds were: Love Exposure ( and Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl ( I also saw some other crazy films like Machine Girl ( & Tokyo Gore Police ( that quite silly are so full of blood that all you can do is laugh. Tarantino is a big fan of this type of movie and it's easy to see where he gets his ideas (e.g. Kill Bill). I don't visit the website very often because I don't have much time during the academic year, however, I'm looking forward to the holidays when I can put my feet up and watch some good films. I don't think this website is for everyone because some of the films are quite "strong" in nature. However, if you like good independant cinema, it's brilliant.
Write about a website that you visit every once in a while.
When you first visited the website,
How you found out about it,
What it's about,
Why you like it,
What sort of people would like this website.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 250 words. Comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.


  1. I get your point; asian films are a different kind of amazing. I guess it has to do with the sensibility they embody in each second of their works. And also because they're real perfectionists

  2. i'm not a huge fan of this movies but i happen to like tarantino movies a lot,the have thi weird vibe that makes you see it again

  3. I'm also very interested in Asian culture and I've seen a couple of movies that I liked, I will one day explore the site to see if it catches my attention

  4. It seems like a very interesting website realy. I thinmk asian culture is very interesting and we know a very little peace of it. I don´t see a better way to know it from here than wathing movies

  5. Seems like you really like asian culture! I've seen very few asian movies and it's very hard to understand the things that happens or the way they show some stuff. But I think they are great on expressing, wether horrible stuff but also showing beauty on their flims on ways we could have never imagined.

  6. I see that you really like Asian culture, in others publications you talked about that too. In cinema, I don’t know so much about Asian style, I only watched a movie one time and I don’t liked it haha, but I think that not all are like that

  7. Thank you Simon. I now know more websites where to see films. I like independant cinema because the director has more independence to create.
